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Ground Penetrating Radar To Estimate Subsurface Layer Thickness Such As Concrete And Soil Cover
When there is a good penetration depth for ground penetrating radar (GPR), GPR can be used to estimate thicknesses of subsurface layers....

Underground Void Locating Using Seismic Method - Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW)
Enviroprobe recently conducted an underground void locating survey at a traveling center in New Jersey. MASW instead of electrical...

Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Services
Over the years, the geophysical service provided by Enviroprobe for environmental and engineering communnities has grown tremendously....

7 Site Condition Considerations For Geophysical Services
Before you sign a contract with a geophyscial service provider, there are some general considerations for the site conditions you need to...

Misconception of “Concrete GPR”
We’re frequenctly requested by clients to bring “concrete GPR” to sites for searching something underground. However, sometimes these...

An Unexpected Underground Storage Tank Found During Utility Markout
Enviroprobe conducted an underground utility locating survey at a gas station in Morristown, NJ. During the process of searching for...

Underground Utility Locating in Gas Stations
Prior to drilling, digging, trenching, and excavating, it is essential to know where underground utility lines are located. It’s...

Electromagnetic (EM) Surveys – Data Contour Maps or Not?
Traditionally, results of electromagnetic surveys utilizing EM instruments such as Geonics EM31 or EM61 are usually presented in contour...
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